Wednesday, November 2, 2022

I Bought a $115,000 GMC Hummer EV and It IMMEDIATELY Left Me Stranded!


  1. It's not just the Hummer EV which succumbs to the "krpytonite" of a battery powered vehicle. Ford's EV can't even make it from Detroit, MI to Charlevoix, MI without 3 stops to charge up. A mere 280 miles. I tend to think of these EVs as extremely fancy golf carts.

  2. Current electric vehicle technology is not yet suitable for market. There is promise there somewhere but so far, the state of the art is absolute shit, the batteries especially

    I have no problem with the responsible subsidizing of research but the truckloads of cash that have been pissed away on the current solar, EV, and battery technology so far has only made a few really rich assholes a little richer while creating more of a mess. That and plumped up the campaign coffers of the even worse assholes that created and administered the programs in the first place. These .gov programs, besides the obvious corruption, are actually stifling advances in the technology. Why make a product better when you can bribe some politicians to pay you for your shitty one? And guess where all that cash comes from, you and me.

    Battery technology needs to get to a place where the raw materials can be obtained without creating ugly humanitarian and ecological disasters on every continent first. Wouldn't that be a nice start? Jesus fucking Christ, we've got half the planet losing sleep over sustainable coffee production, but we can't apply the same market forces to solve this little inconvenient snag in the green process? Apparently not while our elected "officials" are on the tit! All we see are a vapor trail of decrees and rulings, commanding utterly unattainable (ambitious, we're told) shifts to "renewables" as though that sort of thing could be accomplished by fiat.

    We're doomed.

    1. Matthew, all of what you said was said forty years ago. The only change is the deepened graft of the political class.

  3. Almost $4k to replace a tail light assembly.

  4. If rich idiots want to waste their money on these POS that's their business.
    But when Dems in certain states begin threatening to ban the sale or ownership of ICE vehicles and refusing to license new gasoline filling stations then it's time to go fully on the attack against every aspect of the EV con industry and it's supporters.

  5. The ONLY thing Dem's and the Left are good at is taking reliable society infrastructure and advancing technology and replacing it with unreliable crap. Their mode is designed to control the populace. Drop the battery operated piece of electronic junk off at the dealer, demand a full refund, go buy an F-250 diesel, bank the remainder.

    Which is why The Hologram and his Handlers are destroying diesel supplies as a way to hamstring every aspect of transportation and's all connected. Elections matter. Special place in Hell for the Morons in Charge.

  6. This calls for the services of a professional:

  7. It is obvious EV's are a joke. The brand name makes no difference.

  8. 95% of all electric vehicles are still on the roads. The other 5% actually made it home. The real reason for the massive push to EV technology is to create the excuse to permanently end ICE technology and infrastructure. The criminals in power KNOW that EV tech cannot replace gas/diesel. They don't want it too. Their goal is the end of private vehicle ownership. They want us all dependent on public transport....which THEY control. We don't pose much of a threat to the criminals in power if we have to get their permission to travel anywhere.

  9. I could open the door on my '65 Bug, hang my left leg out and push the car like a kid's scooter, pop the clutch and it would start within 6-10 feet.

    1. Started mine in gear when the clutch cable broke and drove it for a month backing off the gas pedal to shift.

  10. you'all do realize that all EV will become HAZMAT's when the battery dies right, right?

  11. If you try to tow a fifth wheel RV with that truck you won't make it a hundred miles on a full charge. Enjoy your glamping trip.
