Friday, November 25, 2022



  1. Rickvid in the Yakima ValleyNovember 25, 2022 at 6:27 PM

    Very intense. I just have no patience for those who proclaim that the while Russian violation of Ukraine is just a pure money laundering scheme. Methinks Russian lies are working their way into the minds of too many otherwise rational people.

    1. And I have no patience for those that swallow this kind of propaganda film hook-line-and-sinker. The Ukrainians shelled the innocents of the Donbas for 8 years because they didn't want to lose their Russian heritage, killing thousands. The Ukrainian government is totally corrupt and the West used that for money laundering, but that had nothing to do with why the Russians attacked. The Russians finally (after many years of warning) attacked because the West made the Ukraine a military threat to Russia. We didn't have to do that, and we broke promises to the Russians in doing so. We created this war, and most of us can't explain why. Face facts.

    2. What I see is,
      Our government getting ready to send our sons to die to fight for Ukraine’s freedom. While putting us under a totalitarian dictatorship, worse than Ukraine or Russia.

    3. As if Russia isn't every fucking bit as corrupt as Ukraine. As if Russia didn't foment and militarily support rebels in the Donna's from 2014 on because Putin wants to rebuild the motherfucking USSR. The West made NO military threat on Russia. That's just another fucking Putin lie.

    4. NATO caused the fight. Look up Minsk accord. This is Putins Cuban Missile Crisis. Would we let the Warsaw pact add Mexico? Of course not, dumbass. Then go look up the pentagon bio weapons labs, and imagine if we found russian labs in Canada.
      Fucking turd...

  2. Rickvid in the Yakima ValleyNovember 25, 2022 at 6:30 PM

    Contrast the fight Ukrainians are putting up for their nation, at about 3:25 in this vid you see actual training of civilians to fight and later women making camo netting, with the thousands of cowardly men fleeing so many war-torn countries, especially the Middle East. Right inspiring, these Blue and Gold.

  3. Wow, started very Leni Rifeinstahl-ish and then descended into a nightmare.

    Yes, Ukrainian government was/is corrupt. So is the Russian government, and so is ours. Doesn't justify the powerplay that Russia tried.

    Using colored duck tape to differentiate the players, that's so friggin medieval.

    1. Only the Russians can decide whether our manipulation of Ukraine warrants their attack. We have used Ukraine like a proxy war, money laundering puppet to threaten Russia. This is our doing.

    2. We have broken every treaty made with the Soviet Union, and now Russia since the creation of NATO.
      I personally think the Russians have been fairly reserved in their response to the attacks on eastern Ukrainian Russians over the last 8 years.
      Our own government created this mess under Obama. Neuland openly admitted so. They selected Zelensky. He runs the money laundering and always has. It's not just 10% for the big guy. Many people in our government are involved.

    3. Russia has broke those same agreements and others, too, moron. This is hardly one-sided. Sheesh.

    4. Please list the agreements Russia has broken with NATO.

    5. Well, taking over Crimea for the first...

  4. This is the most lucid article I've read regarding WTF is going on with Ukraine. If you click every footnote it will take you a couple of days to read this thing. Read the article alone, for starters, and stop regurgitating the propaganda you've been fed. This is will be America's death if our own criminals have their way.

    1. I'm with you, but I'm pessimistic that the automatons following the narrative have neither the motivation nor the ability to search out material that hasn't been censored. They are comfortable accepting the msm version of reality and hoisting Ukranian flags in their front yards next to their "In this house we believe etc, etc." signs.

    2. Here's another article that underlines the one above.

  5. If nothing else. The Ukrainian people have proved their courage.

  6. If they had any courage they would have thrown out their crooked leaders who were firing artillery shells into the Domas for eight years. Then again we Americans don't give a damn about stolen elections, which were financed by kickbacks on the aid we sent to the Ukraine.

  7. Ignore the narrative

  8. Fantastic production values. Clearly considerable talent and money was available to make this.

  9. Watched first, very good video

  10. Propaganda. Any video can be intense when you add the right kind of music. The girl is a prop to tug at heartstrings.

  11. Eye opening, if you can stomach it:
    He has many other articles on the same subject that are worth reading.
    Most here don't have a clue about the historical context going on in Ukraine. It would behoove you all to read a little history.

  12. 20 plus years of war over lies was jus not enough. more to the point I was born at the end of Viet Nam, my son was born at the beginning of GWOT. I served in two wars myself. this war could take my son from me if this continues the way it is going. over US blood lust. so fuck you and your wars.

  13. Totally agree it's Propaganda, very good at that.

  14. Every war, righteous or evil, has human suffering, destruction of innocence, and heartbreak & tragedy; and every propaganda film ever made relies on your emotional response to it to change your perception of it.

    Go deeper.

  15. FTX>DNC/Biden>Ukraine>FTX
    Burisma & $$ laundering w/a cut to The Big Guy
    2014 Maidan coup, U.S. State Dept Obama admin.
    U.S. DOD biolabs (40+) in Ukraine.
    The West uses the tool/Ukraine as a battering ram against Russia
    Looking forward to winter ‘22-‘23!
    Slava Rossiya bitchez
    Ukr…404 File not found

    Study some geopolitical history about this region before
    knee-jerking reacting to Boris & Natasha-rooskies-bad 1980’s mindset.
    We’re not the good guys here, ya think we are after the Covid campaign,
    rigged elections and bidenflation we’re supposed to give billions to a selected failed comedian thug and trust this gov’t doing so?

  16. You miss the point by a mile. The Ukraine was invaded. Yes their politicians and bureaucrats are dishonest but not all their people are. they have a right and a duty to fight. Putin's ultimate goal was to take Ukraine and continue in a attempt to rebuild the pre-80's Soviet Union. Now he is getting his ass handed to him and expanding the war is no longer a priority, Europe should be happy that Ukrainians want to fight for their homeland. Yes Putin "can" win in Ukraine but it is clear now that the cost will be too high and his expansion plans will be dropped. I do agree we should not send them money and we should definitely not send them arms without replenishing our stock, which we are not doing.

  17. And still it continues. WWI trench warfare in spades with drones calling the shots. Very brutal.

    a) The tape is primitive, but since both sides have the same uniforms and equipment, every little bit helps.

    b) Most of the armaments that we have sent to the Ukraine are for land warfare. If we have to "play" in Asia, I suspect that most of our effort will be in the air or with Naval forces. I suspect that there is little overlap.

    c) Russia can't be trusted to honor any agreement. The arguments used against the Ukraine also apply to the Baltic States and Poland (all NATO) as well as Finland and even Sweden. Poland and the Baltics have gotten involved since they knownthat they are next on the menu.

    d) Russia and China both watched the "air shows" in Syria. On the coast, the 'Burkes had targets ready to go. At Dier ez Zor, the US snuck an air armada in to trash the Wagner column. I don't know what the current B-52 loadout is, but they used to carry a dozen ALCMs (Air Launched Cruise Missiles) under each wing. Each can put a thousand pounds of unpleasantness between the toilet and the toilet paper roll, or in the middle of the living room sofa. If Russia goes nuclear, both France and the UK might shoot back. The US doesn't even have to go nuclear since we know where everyone lives and works. The US has been careful to keep the Ukrainians from using our "good stuff" against the Russian heartland. The Ukrainians have done pretty well modifying old Soviet junk and Turkish commercial stuff to target "strategic" facilities as well as Moscow. I am pretty sure that Russia is not suicidal, so they are unlikely to target Europe or the US.
