Saturday, April 23, 2022

Beautiful day, so we took a drive. Redding to Shingletown to Manton to Red Bluff and back.


Coming down off the ridge from Shingletown toward Manton in its broad valley.

Indian Peak Winery off Forward Road in Manton.

Local Products

Creepy cigar smoking Indian at Indian Peak.

Viticulture with Soap Butte in the background.

Manton Corner, the throbbing heartbeat of the Manton District.

The Open Road heading downhill to Red Bluff.

The Orange Car in its natural habitat.

Connection to Highway 39, and our right turn.

Rolling down into the northernmost end of the Sacramento Valley.

Beautiful day for a drive.


  1. SO MUCH I miss about California!

    But, it's too messed up for me to return. Makes me very sad...

  2. I was born in Anderson-- ten miles outside of Redding or so. I was there last April... had a thing in Sacramento, and drove up to Anderson. Hadn't been there in 35 years.

    Was stunned at what I saw.. full on shantytowns, villages with crops and goats and shacks, like a third world country. Like I was back in the Philippines.

    The old place in Anderson looked like a meth house. Though a lot of the town was still really pretty. I remember those big old oaks.. don't have those where I live in Wyoming.

    But then... also no shantytowns in Wyoming.

  3. Nice Saturday open road

  4. Mighty fine vineyards to toil in.

  5. Beautiful country! I would love to live there, but, it is in California... You suppose the North part of the state would secede just for me?

  6. Connection to Highway 36. I tried taking 39 and ended up in Huntington Beach.
    Thanks, CW. And thanks again for taking us along.
    And you're right. Indian dude is creepy.

  7. The Orange car passed me this morning on I-75 in Florida heading north...

  8. The creepy Indian looks like DeNiro in Taxi Driver.

    1. Wooden Indians be rayciss an sheeeit.

    2. My old stamping ground
