Saturday, March 20, 2021

Maria Bartiromo blisters the wokistas and America haters like no one else


  1. "Mr Biden’s comment about Putin does not suit a head of state,"

    Correct, he is not.

  2. Are the 2 key assistant Secretary of state personnel Winkin and Nod by any chance?

  3. She is an excellent spokesman. And cute af.

  4. l, not a murrikan, have a murrikan friend who has finally become aware that the ENTIRE WORLD is laughing AT America right now.
    ps, you know that gods damned captcha chit is an AI teaching tool don't you, the same AI that is one day going to RULE US!!

    1. I used to think it was just me that had to take and retake those damned Captcha puzzles to login or comment, until I realized that most other people had the same problem. Now I just don't comment or go when they are using it.

  5. She is Cute! Its a shame so many Americans hate America! They have no clue what the real world is like off the shore of this great country

  6. She's always been cute, been around for sometime now.
