Saturday, March 20, 2021

Erdogan Slams Biden Over "Killer" Putin Comment: "Not Fitting Of A President"

 What a foreign policy!  What a President!  And we're only a few months in, with a President Harris -- someone even more juvenile and inexperienced than the clown in office now -- as our likely next President.

Let's hope we get through this presidency with as little damage as possible.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan lashed out at the White House over Biden's characterizing Vladimir Putin as a "killer" during an ABC News interview days ago.

Erdogan said Biden's comments were "not fitting of a president" and are "unacceptable" on the world stage. "Mr Biden’s comment about Putin does not suit a head of state," Erdogan told reporters after Friday prayers in Istanbul.

He then praised Putin for giving a "smart" and "classy response" after Putin made the case on state TV that Biden was engaged in mere psychological projection. Putin quipped of the "killer" slur that it "takes one to know one." He also wished the US president "good health". 

Biden has also vowed to get tough on Turkey, after it was perceived that Trump had an unusually warm relationship with Erdogan, and batted down Congressional moves to push sanctions. Biden has yet to hold a phone call with Erdogan since taking office.

1 comment:

  1. No big deal says the Fake news. They'll say Biden never actually called Putin a killer. All h said was yes in agreement to a question. Technically true, but of course that's stretching it thin line in semantics. Trump would have never even said yes or nodded his head if the weasel Stephanopoulos had tried this with him.
