Friday, March 26, 2021

Anthony Bourdain at his high school graduation in New Jersey, 1974.



  1. Think he could twist one with one hand?

  2. jeeeze, he looked 55 yrs old in high school.

  3. Gee, I'm glad I graduated 15 years earlier when someone with a hair-noncut like that would have been sent home the first day of his freshman year. But then again the parents had more sense than to allow that rebelling brat crap.

  4. Who is this guy and why do we care?

  5. I always liked A Bourdain, but....drugs.......

  6. He looked like a D-Bag then and now!

  7. I don’t get the veneration of Bourdain; I always thought he was an overrated, colossal d-bag who just happened to fall into a sweet gig of traveling around the world while disparaging the United States.

  8. Kitchen Confidential was in large parts fiction. He could tell a good story but he was such a tool for the grungy side of things.

    How he treated Singapore vs Cuba on his travel show was very telling.

  9. What a bunch of assholes you peeps are...I'm sure you were all princes and princesses when you graduated HS. I liked his program, he was interesting. I feel for anyone that believes taking their life is the only recourse. What a callous country we have become.
