Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Your Good News of the Day: Ohio Governor Signs "Stand Your Ground" Bill


Whenever the government takes an action that increases, rather than decreases, the people's freedom, it is a very good thing.

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine signed a self-defense bill into law on Monday, despite suggesting a couple of weeks ago that he was leaning towards vetoing the measure. In mid-December the governor complained that Republicans in charge of the state house should be focused on his Ohio STRONG package of gun legislation rather than improving the state’s Stand Your Ground law, telling reporters “I’ve made it very clear, I think, many times, going back months, that I felt that before the legislature took up other gun bills, that they really should focus on what we have sent them.”

Despite those signals, DeWine signed SB 175 into law on Monday, which was the last day for him to take action on the measure. Second Amendment activists in the state were quick to applaud the governor for his move, which they say fulfills a campaign promise made by DeWine during his 2018 run for governor to repeal the state’s “duty to retreat” language.


  1. Crying shame idn't it that it requires a political act to protect yourself and your property, but the criminals get to run around killing and stealing left and right with little to no consequence.

  2. DeWine got something right for once. It's such a shame his record is so sorry.

  3. First correct action he has taken since becoming governor. And all he did was sign the damn thing, he actually fought against it.

    We had stand your ground in your home and your car, this bill just extends it to anywhere you can legally be. Nice, but not enough.

    dewhine is pushing for a lot of nonsensical gum laws, but thankfully we have a somewhat conservative legislature.
