Sunday, January 24, 2021

Demand the Brand



  1. Remember? "So look for the union label, when....." Sung with that Edith Bunker voice on TV???? I used to cringe when that came on...

  2. When ALL signs were hand lettered. You needed talent to be a sign painter. Would be nice to see it in color.

    1. There are still plenty of quality sign painters out there but not as many as before. For more than 30 years my wife has been the managing editor of "Signcraft" magazine and this past Dec was their last dead tree issue as they have moved to full time online digital. It was inevitable I suppose. In another 10 years there may be no more sign painters at all.

    2. I received "Signcraft" for many years back in the 80's. Truck leasing company's I worked for said put the brushes away. Can't get that dang paint off the doors when the lease was up. I miss hand lettering.
