Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Embarcadero Freeway in San Francisco opening in 1959



  1. Looks a little different today...

  2. they tore it down because the people did not like it. it blocked the views of the waterfront and the bay. it is so much nicer today. now it is both a major promenade, but also also, many of the streets of San Francisco feed into it. major tourist area. also, it is almost entirely bay fill from the rubble of the 06 quake. got rid of all of the debris and and made water depth of the new warves deep enough for ships to easily dock. buried in the muck are hundreds of sailing ships from the 49ers. first they turned them into hotels, then as they deteriorated and sank, just filed in over them making nice flat premium land.

    1. Nice flat premium land... which will turn to slush (liquification) when the next "big one" hits. Frisco: land of the idiots.

  3. The earthquake in 1989 damaged it, they decided to go a different way.
