Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Why did you do that, Whiskers, why?



  1. I once had a kitty that made an identical move like that, except that instead of jumping into a fish tank she jumped onto the top of a hot wood stove. There was nothing I could do but watch in amazement.
    She survived and ended up living a long and happy life, while never jumping onto the top of another hot wood stove again.

  2. I wonder if the tank normally has a lid on it, and the cat is used to jumping onto the lid.

    1. I was just coming here with the exact same thought. You beat me to it TT.

  3. That there was a textbook demo on "cat reflexes". Good recovery too.

  4. Yeah Elmo, my cat jumped onto a table, right into the middle of a steaming hot pizza.
    He slid across that pizza, jumped off the table, and hid under the couch.
    That cat never jumped on the table again...
