Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Wall o' Tools



  1. Someone who does hand work and forgoes machinery.

  2. These are the tools of what we call a Wood Butcher, (It is meant 2b sarcastic).

  3. A Woodsmith's bench... "Woodsmith is an old Scandinavian word that is not quite been forgotten about it than have lived a somewhat withdrawn life for many years. The word is used on the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde, it’s know with other types as the stem-smith and other trades, including both horse shoe maker, stone smiths and beer smith.

    The word smith therefore means basically just a craftsman, not only in Danish, but also on the classical languages, Latin and Greek. The Greeks had a different expression Daedalus or daidalus that means artist more than craftsman. It is after the legend the man who invented the planer."

  4. Trying to hone that 30 degree angle on the knife can be a bear.

  5. As a carpenter quite impressive

  6. See more here: https://www.houseandgarden.co.uk/gallery/katie-fontana-houseboat
