Thursday, September 3, 2020

Press correspondents inspecting newly finished howitzer barrels at a British ordnance factory.



  1. "Boss, the news people are coming over to see these barrels, so how about we just dump 'em in the street like cordwood."

  2. I don't think those are new barrels. They have improvised camo paint on some of them. I bet they are worn out barrels for refurb or recycling, assuming that was possible for the 9.2BL Mk1, which these look like.

  3. In support of the theory that these are being recycled, the marking "BLR" should, in those days, stand for "beyond local repair".

  4. read about how they used those things. they basically lined them up, pointed them at the german trenches and shot till they ran out shells and they had mile long trains behind bringing them more ammo. A box barrage on an section of the line would probably use them up pretty quickly.
