Friday, September 13, 2019

Your Good News of the Day: A successful lawsuit from conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch means at least 1.59 million “inactive” and “illegal” registered names on voter rolls in California will be removed.

There goes most of Hillary's popular vote margin.  Is it any wonder the Dems dominate California politics with that kind of vote foundation?

Back in January, Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit against the State of California and County of Los Angeles amid evidence that potentially millions of people were allowed to illegally vote in American elections.
After fighting it out for several months in court, California caved and agreed to Judicial Watch’s terms to avoid being further embarrassed in court.
 1.59 million names in LA County have already been removed!  More please.


  1. Now all that needs to happen is that the rolls are actually purged before the elections.

  2. The Dems created this with Motor Voter back in the 1980s. it was obvious then (as George Will pointed out back in the day) that illegals would get licenses, and thus be registered to vote.

    1. Nobody ever explained how giving illegals a driver's license made them safer drivers.

  3. What California says they'll do... and what they actually do... well, accountability is key.

  4. If Orange County flips back to majority (R), they actually did this as promised.

    If not, it was undercut by vote-mining, and while slightly helpful, won't ultimately accomplish anything.

  5. Have to believe that Calif "caved" to protect their "mother load". Now how about Michigan, Pennsylvania etc.
