Sunday, September 29, 2019

Fully engulfed, and rolling...


  1. Replies
    1. Yup, they have a habit here in the Carolinas of spontaneously combusting. Anyone on board that vehicle is a crispy critter.

    2. It's those crappy Caterpillar engine's .

    3. Probably more to do with re-gen systems that the government mandates to put on diesel powered vehicles. When it starts the process, it will melt the snow and ice for a 15' circle in sub-zero temps.

    4. Thankfully, there are at least 4 exits from a school bus. Not that it did much good for those poor elderly, infirm, and/or wheelchair bound invalids on that bus evacuating Houston from Hurricane Ruby. Poor bastards.

  2. Sure took the firefighter a while to find reverse.

  3. Particulate filters regen at 1200 degrees. I worked on these for Caterpillar as a hired gun engineer. They are safe if mounted and operated according to specs but I doubt that either was done. There is big ass door in the back for just this occurrence. The driver is instructed to grab the invalids and throw them to safety. I'm assuming that no fatalities occurred as this incident did not hit the inter industry jungle drums.


  4. the legal firm of N. Gulf &DeVour Esq is handling all enquiries. another firm to contact for counseling is Dewey, Cheatam, and Howe Esq. 1-800-555-2315
