Friday, September 27, 2019

Tulsi Gabbard looking to take Liz Warren’s scalp

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D., Hawaii) has seen little evidence that fellow presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) is prepared to be commander in chief, she said Thursday on Hill.TV’s Rising.
“I haven’t seen much come from her in the way of what kind of leadership and decision-making that she would bring to that most important responsibility of the president has as commander in chief,” Gabbard told Rising host Krystal Ball. “And just as a soldier and an American that’s very concerning for me.”
Ball asked Gabbard if she thought Warren was prepared to be commander in chief on Thursday, just two days after Gabbard qualified for the October Democratic debate.
Gabbard added voters will ask all the presidential candidates about their preparedness and experience when it comes to foreign policy. She questioned Warren’s readiness to handle such issues given the former Harvard law professor’s focus on domestic issues.


  1. She can do what ever she likes, she's a POS democrat, and I will never vote for a democrat for the rest of my life.

    1. Neither will I, but when she expertly attacks and dismembers another of her kind, I enjoy it. I'll bet Warren will be ready for her, though, so it might get hot.

    2. I'm thinking the same as you Tim. A POS Democrat. Back in 1991 all my so-called Conservative friends (mostly middle-age women) were fawning over the great Bill Clinton and look what an absolute turd he turned out to be. Tuksi is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Don't fall for her beauty and charm. She's like the mythical Greek sirens playing seductive music to lure Americans onto the rocks of Socialism.

  2. Yeah well she can be bought off...

  3. Stop trying to drum up support for democrats. It makes you look like a stereotypical useful idiot and NOBODY is buyin.

    1. It's like Operation Chaos. Get them fighting one another, running in circles, while we watch. Tulsi's a good one for that because there's no chance of her getting elected, but there's a significant chance she politically injures one or two of the front runners. Delicious.

  4. I'll have the popcorn ready. It is fun to watch the left eat the left. The problem with these spoiled libstain Dems is that no conserv really gets to challenge them. Liz(ard) Warren always slithered away when people would confront her especially when Legal Insurrection would do it. But now she has to take it publically. Unless of course it is all just Dem Kabuki theater which it probably is because lightening rarely strikes in the same spot twice. Gabbard is ok to look at but once she opens her progressive pie hole and her liberal polices come out she makes my dick wilt. She really self aggrandizes her medical unit military "experience" thinking this makes her Eisenhower or something and her vomit inducing pandering by calling veterans and active duty military people her "brothers and sisters" is especially repugnant. Hard Pass

  5. The only thing emptier that Warren's ideas is her bra. This cat fight is on par with the Clinton-Obama spat where Cankles got left at the altar for the hip, trendy manufactured Democrat idiot, B. Hussein Obama. In my opinion this deserves better than popcorn.

    1. ok, beer and popcorn...somebody should get some enjoyment out of this even if I can't. just make sure it is not any of that 3.2% swill crap.

  6. This reminds me of Tonto and the Lone Ranger pulling up to a saloon an a scorching hot day.....Lone instructs Tonto to stay outside with the horses, and to run around them qwuickly in a circle to create a breeze for them.....later, a guy pokes his head in and says "Who owns the white horse out here? left your injun running"....
