Friday, September 13, 2019

Not a snowflake


  1. No, but they'll be calling her '9 of 10' if she doesn't use a push-stick.

  2. She needs a better pair of gloves and a pair of real safety glasses instead of the fashion statement, if she values those baby blues - and I sure hope she has a riving knife installed or she might get a nasty surprise in 3-2-....

  3. Odd cut technique. The other end is sawn about a foot and a half- indicates to me it was jamming due to unstable wood and pinching the blade, so it was pulled out and flipped end for end. The wood is not flat on the table, shows twist. I normally just shut off the saw, drive a wood wedge to hold the kerf open, then start it up and continue the cut. She is going to have to manage that board between the fence and blade as soon as the cut finishes, with half the board still engaged. Hope it did not spring too much. Some shaky shit going on there.
    The textbook illustration of sectional density is a piece like that spit through the wall behind the saw. If I ran the math right, the tip velocity on the teeth is 150 FPS.

  4. goetz von berlichingenSeptember 13, 2019 at 2:29 PM

    That's a funny looking sandwich she's making.
