Wednesday, July 10, 2019

While the Democrats are demanding that you give up air travel and air conditioning, grassroots private citizens are creating world class re election videos for Trump on their own and for free.

Are random Democrats doing anything similar?


  1. The fading white letters on the black background are too faded for older eyes.

  2. That was GREAT! My greatest fear is that the Democrat Machine has already got all of the fraudulent votes lined up to give the Democrats the 2020 election. Based on poll numbers prior to the election and actual vote count, in the 2018 mid-terms here in Texas, the Democrats were able to generate maybe as many as a quarter million extra votes for Robert O'Rourke against Ted Cruz. The State identified 10's of thousand of potential non-citizen voters. They were all in areas that are controlled by Democrats so it didn't affect those outcomes. But Harris County (Houston) has a problem with numerous voters registered from vacant lots and abandoned houses; so bad that back in the last 10 or 20 years the voter registration records storage had a mysterious fire that burned all the records up.

  3. Any chance you could provide a link to the source? I'd like to share this.

    I'll cite the referrer, as always.
