Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Microsoft can't delete these


  1. Nice to have my opinions reinforced.

  2. Before I'd ever bought an e-reader, I read about Amazon removing a book from people's Kindles; ironically the book was "1984" and there was some copyright problem, so they just made the book vanish from their customers.

    Since then I've made sure to use Calibre E-Book Management, so all my ebooks are now backed up on my own hard drive; now these digital swindlers can't take away my ebooks!

    And I'm still a sucker for actual books, they have an aura all their own, especially the old leather-bound tomes.

  3. Didn´t know you read Swedish books

    1. Well, those aren't really my books, I'm using them as examples of an archaic but still very stable form of data storage.

      As to Swedish, naturligtvis, jag kan tala språket, men inte så väl. Det är inte min modersmål, Engleska är.
