Saturday, July 13, 2019

Cool, but entirely illegal


  1. It might be "illegal" in California, at least until it shows up in a pot shop. But it is no problem at all in the free states.

  2. It's legal until you illegally use it.

    Meat tenderizer
    Paper weight
    Knuckle protection for grinding metal
    Fashion statement

    Personally, I think they're a good way to get shot.

  3. CW is correct, hereabouts.
    Metal knuckles are a felony in CA.
    Even just sitting on your coffee table.

  4. That figures. Sorry... I'm going to begin assuming everything in CA is illegal. Talk radio (I forget who) did a spill on a car maintenance law recently passed in Sacramento. I'm not going to look up the actual law to read it, but it sounded very restrictive.

  5. What is the Brand of the second pair?
