Saturday, December 22, 2018


Came back from Redding and found this in the mail.  I'll be trying both out later and reporting.  Mrs. CW has already given them her stamp of approval.

My set up for last week.  I'm trying to learn the best way to use and adjust that double open comb Ascension safety from PAA.  

I also had a delivery from Morgan's Soap. I'd about used up my shave soap puck of Electric Lemonade, so that was replaced.  Morgan also sent some great soaps, specifically Lavender and Cedarwood, Cherry Almond and Honey Oats, and Rosemary and Tea Tree. 

Now I'm a big hairy ugly man, but both Mrs. CW and I agree that these soaps are fun to use and they smell great in a shower environment.  Well worth the price, and Morgan wraps them like only a creative artistic person can.


  1. I use a Merkur Futur and have tried other "safety razors". I suppose these types of razors got that name when they first came out as an alternative to the straight razor (I have a very high quality straight razor and can do sharpen and shave with it, but that will only be used in a "grid down" scenario when nothing else is available. Straight razors are not only dangerous, but they are time consuming). My advice is to use a variety of blades in your razor. For me the blades seem to make the difference. I have used the Van der Hagen from WalMart and I can get a good shave using it when paired with quality blades. Another tip I would offer is not to shave every day if possible. I get a much better shave on two days of growth and am less likely to nick myself. Also I have tried different soaps and oils. While I enjoy a warm soapy brush on my face, products such as "shave secret" and other lubricant based cremes allow easy upstrokes with less "pull". Beware of brand name products that claim to be the best. A man can dump a small fortune on razors, brushes, soaps, etc. I hope this helps

  2. You are a very bad influence sir. I can relate that the Cane is menthol barbershop goodness. A little rough on a cold day but nice. I'll wait for your review of the nog (it sounds very interesting).
