Saturday, December 8, 2018

She and Beto should get themselves hitched.

Not only would that make the two of them the ultimate Progressive dream ticket, but her name would then be Alexandra Ocasio - Cortez - O'Rourke.   Awesome.

Imagine their kids - a dentist's dream family.


  1. I saw the name: Alexandra Ocasio - Cortez - O'Rourke

    and thought about the initials. A O C O

    And though about Freddie Mercury at Live Aid. Rambling thoughts....

  2. It would be a marriage made in hell.

  3. Somebody called her "Taco twit twat" and I can't get that out of my head.

    Heh. Now you've got the same problem!

  4. Interesting how the typical facial characteristics of one diagnosed with Downs Syndrome do not appear on this one.

  5. Beta is already married but I'm sure he would be happy to be the "cuck" in any modern liberal relationship.
