Sunday, December 2, 2018

Shaving Scar?

Actually, a dueling scar.  It was all the rage at the beginning of the last century for young aristocratic men.


  1. That still must have hurt, imagine trying to eat with your mouth slit open?

  2. Could be a squealers scar possibly.

  3. See "A Tramp Abroad" by Mark Twain for an account of dueling fraternities in Heidelberg.


  4. It's known as a Schmiss in German and was a indeed a mark of aristocracy. Student duels were actually somewhat choreographed so as to allow for the acquisition of a dueling scar in the safest way you can, The whole purpose of the duel was to be scarred. Some individuals received multiple scars over a few duels. After the event students in Heidelberg (the most famous of the frat dueling societies were there) would head on down to a student pub like 'Zum Roten Ochsen' which has been in business for about 600 years IIRC for libations and merriment.
    I lived in Heidelberg for 3 years, btw.
    Goetz von Berlichingen.

    OT: Had rain and snow/sleet up here in Pine Grove last couple of days and I just checked my property... big flush of Porcini (aka Cepes, Steinpilze, Bolete)O and are considered the best tasting of all mushrooms! About to head out and gather a bunch. Guess I'll get some of the steaks I dry age at home and whip up a meal for a few bucks that would cost more like $50+ a plate in a restaurant. Some great Amador County zinfandel or barbera to go with it, too.
    No complaints here.
