Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Motor Porn


  1. That picture is a comment on just how bad the management of Sears Roebuck became. Once upon a time you could buy a precut kit for a house or a school.

  2. That's a thing of beauty: it's a Sears Dreadnaught Deluxe from 1913.

    When I was a kid my neighbor had a bike much like that which all the kids envied, but it was a Whizzer from the '40s or '50s. I used to dream about owning that marvellous bike that you didn't have to pedal to go fast!

    I find it so sad, that so many shops & things that I knew as a child are now gone or going fast: Monkey Ward long gone, now Sears is on the chopping block. So many American brands are no longer US based, or gone too: Studebaker, Jeep, Pontiac, Oldsmobile... it's a long list, and growing longer.

    I miss all those things that are gone; sigh.
