Saturday, December 29, 2018

Ginger neck beard has a complete mental breakdown over a customer wearing Trump gear, helps create amazing video, spawns multiple memes, and gets himself fired by his boss.

Childish very bad language warning.

Good line that will meme and therefore live forever.

Further, the now unemployable neck bearded mental toddler should hook up with Trigglypuff and create a new, soy based race of mental and emotional midgets.


  1. I still think the Trump T shirt wearer should have called the cops and had this asswipe arrested. The soy boy would have done to him the same I am sure. Karma is a bitch...

  2. Unfortunate the guy started using the same language as the other fellow, it cost him a lot of credit in making his point as to the worthlessness of the other guy.

  3. I read the dumb ass was fired. How can people actually believe and act that way is beyond me.
