Thursday, August 2, 2018

Shave of the Day

TOBS Cedarwood cream, King Shave Flubber Special Timberwolf Synthetic brush, Rockwell razor loaded up with an Astra blade, Proraso green aftershave.

I may have hit upon the ultimate combination.  What you see here has resulted in a truly dolphin smooth shave.  There's something about the Rockwell/Astra combo that's working shave magic. 


  1. After less than a week, I'm sure the Astra is the blade for me. First Czech(or maybe Slovak) then manufactured in Russia, its design was by Gillette. Dunno if it was before or after PG bought Gillette. Let us know when you're down to one single stroke. The Rockwall blades are high quality, so I'm interested in your comparison between the two.

    1. Right now I'd say Astra, but I'm not sure it's the blade, the razor, or the combination. All I know is they work well together. I'll toss the Astra and load up with the Rockwell blade and see if there's a difference. Science!

  2. Now you've even got me interested in shaving again, after 10 years or so.

    Is that Rockwell razor a model R1?

    1. Yes it is. I just got my hands on a Razorock MJ-90, which I'll be loading up with another Astra blade and testing out, probably tomorrow when the beard grows out enough to justify another shave.
