Monday, March 6, 2017

The scale of the spillway damage at Oroville


  1. Does it sound trite if I suggest that somebody should have seen that coming? Whoever is in charge of maintaining that damn needs to get the Ray Charles Award.

    1. "the Ray Charles Award." Ha!

      It also looks, from this perspective, like the erosion is in fact moving uphill. We'll see how things go when they turn it back of during runoff.

    2. Yes, it may be only shadow, but undermining does appear to be occurring. The whole thing needs to be demo'd and re-designed, though what form that will take may still be being discussed. I'm sure that California will want to go it alone in terms of paying for it, because they don't want to be part of the US.

      Come on, legislature, don't let me down by caving in to the Americans and taking their money. Be like any third world country and stand firm against the Yankees (who cling to God and guns).

  2. it wasn't a problem when there was a drought, "climate change" made this scenario unlikely.
    The typical bureaucratic mindset in action

  3. It looked bad enough from earlier pictures that I had seen, but I didn't realize how massive the damage actually was until being able to put it in perspective based on the size of the people standing there............

  4. Severe undercutting, not a piece of rebar in sight, and 12 years of 'knowing' there was a problem that needed fixing... Welcome to California...

  5. let that 'no rebar meme' go. it has been long disproven. if you think that you should be able to see rebar when it is difficult to make out the people...come on... you gotta be smarter than that, right?

    It would be nice if commenters kept to facts or fact-based conjecture. This is a serious issue.

  6. But someday they will have a great train
