Sunday, March 26, 2017

JFK Receives the LBJ Treatment, ca.1960

Apparently LBJ was a master at crass physical intimidation.


  1. Do tell. Click the link, then click the PDF.

    1. That was interesting. How LBJ could look himself in the mirror....

    2. LBJ was a politician. That's who he was to his core.

      There's nothing admirable in that.

  2. The arm twisting he engaged in was helped by files he was given by J.Edgar Hoover.

  3. I wonder how many times he got knocked on his fat ass....

    1. If anyone did knock him on his ass they'd find themselves six foot under pretty quickly.

    2. What stay in my mind about LBJ was Vietnam. I was a teenager in high school watching him on Cronkite's nightly newscast telling America how he came to them "with a heavy heart", pulling his glasses down his nose while reading his text, giving him an almost kindly, grandfatherly appearance. All the while, even a teen like myself knew there was nothing grandfatherly or benevolent in this horrible director of a war no one in the United States wanted. Now, so many years after, we know how wasteful and needless that war was. Oh, how many ruined lives and deaths I personally brushed up against because of his decisions! I despise him. Let his ghostly, monstrous protectors come now, and put me "six feet under pretty quickly". F**k him and his supporters.
