Sunday, January 15, 2017

Your good news of the day

So much so, the band’s GoFundMe goal of $75,000 to attend the inaugural was surpassed by over 500%.
 By Sunday morning, it was over $366,000.
Over 6,400 people gave contributions in just 11 days, according to the band’s GoFundMe page. The band says the funds will be used for “transportation, travel, lodging and other expenses” related to their appearance.
“I look forward to seeing you perform,” wrote Patricia Galligan, who gave $100.
“Every member of the band should be so proud of themselves,” $200 donor Patricia Manz wrote. “You are all about to participate in an event YOU will never forget. Everyone should shake the hand of your schools President for having the GUTS to stand up to political B.S. I will be watching you all perform next week with pride in my heart.”
Talladega College President Billy Hawkins appeared on the “O’Reilly Factor” on Thursday and said he’s been attacked because the band will be playing at Trump’s inauguration.
“I’ve had people say that I’m a disgrace to my African-American race,” Hawkins said.
“This is a great opportunity for our students,” he added. “It’s about the students to have an opportunity to participate in this national stage, in this inaugural ceremony.
“It’s a civics ceremony. It’s not about politics.”


  1. It's also about politics. We are celebrating the end to the ObamaNation. That's worth a party even if you drink so much that you're blind for three days after it.

  2. Kudos to College President Billy Hawkins! He's a real MAN!

    So sad that many others don't have the courage of their convictions, but are part of the bunny herd and just as brave.
