Thursday, September 5, 2024

Shock Wave



  1. More like a back blast.

  2. Muzzle brake doing it's job.

  3. Back blast and localized overpressure need to be managed when you shoot such beasts.

    My shooter's-PPE included: Tight-fitting ballistic goggle type glasses, ear plugs with rated hearing protectors on top, and occasionally a swimmer's nose-clip.

    The nose-clip and making sure you keep your mouth closed is more important in any confined or semi-confined shooting position.

    Doing a demo shoot, I had a guy insist on standing in the back-blast area claiming his superior Marines experience prevailed.

    The laws of physics will not be subdued and he gained a nosebleed as his head was rung like a school bell.

    There are two distinct pressure-waves in action, the muzzle break creates very directed back blast, which also sets off with the general firing an overpressure situation. Sort of like an echoing thing.

    Shoulder-fired 50bmg/12.7×108mm Soviet and their bigger brother 20mm rounds are a different experience than large hunting magnums.

    Good fun!
