Monday, September 9, 2024

Perhaps a bit too close



  1. Was once paddling with my wife in two sea kayaks in Stephen’s Passage about 70 miles south of Juneau, Alaska - we had a humpback whale come up right between our two kayaks (we were maybe 30 feet apart). As its tail quietly sank beneath the surface after arching right past our heads we both looked at each other in shock and then asked if the other had gotten a photo. We were both so surprised and awed in the moment that we literally had both frozen motionless during the event. It had literally just come up to get a look at us.

    1. Didn't get a picture but did fill my pants

  2. Just after Christmas 1977, New Zealand Rob and I were sailing a Hobie Cat off Laguna Beach. We were a mile out when a Grey Whale swam about 6’ under the keels. We looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief that he didn’t rise up at that time. It was only about a 30 footer, but it could have ruined our day.

    1. Sailing any Hobie Cat was a ruinous day...go NACRA.

  3. I was snorkeling in Maui and after swimming over the reef I dove to the bottom.
    After equalizing pressure in my ears I could hear whale song, live and in person. One of the best moments in my life.

    1. I enjoy snorkeling but, until your comment, it never even crossed my mind that something as awesome as hearing whale song live was possible, I now truly hope for that. Thanks for sharing

    2. Agreed. What a great memory to share!

    3. February, the humpbacks come to Maui to breed or something.
      We were visiting my wife's Japanese family and I asked if anyone was interested in going for a swim or something.
      Their reply, "Swim? It's winter, we don't swim in winter".
      It was 80 degrees Fahrenheit and so was the water. That was a day that made a strong impression on me.

  4. Smack it! Teach it a lesson!!!
