Sunday, September 1, 2024



  1. unless they have improved their product and customer service, I would not recommend Ooma products. Had a system a few years ago and nothing but trouble.

  2. Former Ooma customer here. Dropped them when I discovered they have a maximum on the number of phone numbers that one can block. It’s something like ~1000 but there should be no limit whatsoever. Like almost everyone else, we now just have our two mobile phones, and blocking (so far, at least) doesn’t have limitations.

  3. I've found that blocking is futile. I have an answering machine on a land line, no ringer. Immediately answers and takes a message.
    During election cycles the answering message message is a Trump commercial.

    And a cell phone (plain clamshell) and only a few friends get the number. No doctors offices or businesses get it.

  4. And when you go out, no phone. That USED to be OK, you could find one. Not now, and like it or not, you really do need a phone once in a while when you're not at home.
