Saturday, September 7, 2024

Only a matter of time.



  1. You have to admit, the guy is out there, living . Not on the couch, playing a video game. Ratchet it up young man.

    1. we gotta clean up the mess, tho...

    2. Ratchet it up? Let him "ratchet up" the medical expenses for a lifetime of treatment for brain damage and/or quadriplegia at HIS expense, not the public's.

  2. I'm just really surprised, after all these years, that somebody hasn't figured out how to put a set of brakes on one of these. You could have a heel pedal way in back, and brakes on the rear wheels only a simple drag brake, like the old stagecoaches, easy-peasy. Maybe it would take away from that 'On the edge' out-of-control thrill, though.

    1. some boards had that back in the 60's. they never did catch on here in illinois.

  3. Sonoma County, maybe. Still, you narcissist, you're leaving a mark you have no right to inflict. Especially if something goes wrong.

    1. No. Marin County on a stretch of Highway 1 just south of Bolinas

  4. If he was in Arkansas the State Police would haf use the pit move and balled him up.

  5. The few times that I have tried to ride a skateboard, I did not fare well. I cannot imagine doing this. What a thrill....!!!


    Try two at a time.

    1. Exactly what I thought of: Anna O'Neill & Chiara Poscente. What a beauty of a ride.

  7. Jeeze ! What a bunch on pansies! This looks like a cosmic rush, and if I had the skills, I’d be doing it now. I’m 67. I’ll have to settle for street luge. Grow a pair already.

    1. Darn right. I've never been a skateboarder but I admire and envy the speed and skill on show. Living a sedate, grey life is dull and demoralising. At 68 the reawakening of aches from old injuries I thought were long healed remind me of the past. Good times.

    2. Absolutely. I'm 65 and would still love to do this. The rest of you are a bunch of fun sponges.

    3. Well I'm 69 and I'd do it in a nanny but I'd want 4" wheels for a little bit smoother ride.

    4. You young-uns have a long way to go. I am 77 and would love to take a spin on a skateboard...but maybe not down that massive hill...

  8. I remember as a kid skateboarding on sidewalks - one errant pebble and the wheels would lock up like a cheap grocery cart and off you'd go. The streets around here? Hell, half the time I'm worried that my 1500 series truck ain't enough and I'm going break off a wheel on some of the potholes. I don't know that I'd trust the highway maintenance crew to keep the roads smooth enough for something like that.

  9. so you rather be the pussy you pictured later and lay around and get fat and shit??

    1. Hell yeah, I always wanted to be a hood ornament. Lot of good that helmet will do.

  10. 1) Many years ago I was riding my Honda VT700 (cruiser style motorcycle) down the Pacific Coast Highway going from Santa Cruz to LA. Gorgeous drive on a beautiful day. Anyway, I came around one bend and the speed advisory sign said 10 MPH, just like in this clip. I slowed all the way down to 15 MPH, and I still had to lean so far over that I smacked my footpeg into the roadway. That 10 MPH curve the skater is coming up to? Maybe that's why the clip ends there?
    2) Some years ago, one of my young clients liked to ride his longboard down hills. He did that one day when a car came through the intersection in front of him. Smack! Thankfully not fatal, but much hospital time was required to recover.

  11. This is a teaser. I was really looking forward to what happened when he attempted the 10 MPH hairpin at the end of the video - but it was the end of the video.

  12. There is a stretch down a ravine near New Albany, IN which is pretty gnarly. Got to follow a dude down it recently. Made it in one piece. Not California gnarly, but compact and steep.
