Sunday, September 8, 2024

Is Google Trying To Influence The 2024 Election? - Eric Weinstein. This is a bit from a 3 and a half hour interview - which, insanely, is worth the time to watch and ponder.


  1. Watch the whole interview, it's worth seeing. At over 3 hours, you can take it in at 1.5x and not miss anything. He is brilliant, but with an ego like that, he can also be pedantic and overbearing - just skip ahead.

  2. Nothing was done to those who stole the last election, so don't expect anything different this time. Suckerberg couldn't believe his $400 million had any influence on the election. Nancy, Schumer and the crooked d o j are still in power. We need a miracle even if Trump is elected.

    1. Yes, that is precisely where the military needs to step in. Gives us all a huge...Pause. New world coming.

  3. Rudy G. and My Pillow Mike were both swaggering around with reams of documentation that, they swore, gave irrefutable proof of election having been stolen! No one- from Tucker Carlson, Sean H or even Jim Jordan ever accessed them!!!! Because they knew it was b.s. and wouldn't support the narrative they were espousing and more telling if one likes conspiracy theory is that neither Rudy or Mike died under mysterious circumstances.

    1. Somebody needs a Snickers bar.

    2. Then explain why the media worked so hard trying refute all of it.

    3. Both targeted by multiple lawsuits, excessive fines, and attempts to bankrupt and cancel.
      This plus the media attempt to ridicule then refute what Rudy and Mike have. How strange if nothing there. Or, maybe to corral and muzzle the two. Indicative of the bias of a belligerent media in either case.

      Is it that you have unique inside knowledge or only an opinion bulging out your backend?

    4. Crooked Obama judges refused to hear the cases and the scotus was afraid to touch it. You're either blind to hundreds of facts or a fool.

  4. Totally safe and effective elections. Vote harder. Venezuela is proof this works.

  5. Voting day of the election, paper ballots, stick your finger in a purple ink container. Done, solved that problem.
    Oh and count all the ballots the day of election. No more drawn out 2 week counting crap.

    1. That's how they do it in India. Purple finger now get outta here, don't come back.

    2. Yes, but mail-in ballots are convenient, and convenience is one of America's highest ideals. Along with safety and good feelings. That quaint old Constitutional ideals stuff is way down the list now. Most the people are too degenerate and corrupt to even care.

    3. No middle of the night vote count shut down. How revealing is that!?

  6. Doubt we even make it. October approaches.

  7. 4 minutes long and worth your time.

    "You cannot have candidates that aren't acceptable to the international order."

  8. Blockchain linked voter registration cards for all CITIZENS only.
