Monday, September 2, 2024

I wonder how much all those race cars would be worth today?



  1. I estimate 235 million for the row

  2. not as much as if there was only a few

    1. Reduce the quantity and push up the price.

  3. Fred in Texas, Limerock Park in northwestern Connecticut has a vintage race series on Labor Day weekend. It's an incredible experience for automobile enthusiasts. It used to be sponsored by BMW and Rolex but they dropped out and now it's the 'Historic Fest'. We went every year when we lived in upstate NY.

  4. A premium steel Gullwing is $2M, an alloy Gullwing is $8M, a premium Porsche 356 $200K, an Alfa $100K. I would guess that this was in 1963 because the Alfa Romeo 1300 GT was introduced that year but there are no 911s which were introduced next year.

  5. Probably about as much as they were worth when the photo was taken adjusted for inflation. Those old race cars are really cool and all but there just aren't that many people out there in the market for former race cars that are only good for looking at. If any of these cars even still exists it probably does not run and will never run again because they were delicate to start with, used and abused when they were in service and to rebuild them would cost more than buying the car in the first place since almost everything would have to be fabricated. So, if you had one of those cars and wanted to sell it your entire customer world would be museums and wealthy idiots, Jay Leno comes to mind. Besides, just owning one and having it in storage would probably cost over a grand a month just in insurance.
