Saturday, September 7, 2024

Comfortable Corner



  1. I'm one of those people who needs a chair to sit & read in that corner.

  2. Nice little burl end table.

    The bear skin and leg hold trap remind me of the biggest Black Bear I've ever seen. He was running down the road ahead of me as I was driving in to the job one morning at o'dark thirty. This happened right near Bear Trap Springs in Nevada County, CA.

    1. What's your estimate of the size, Elmo? A guy I occasionally work with up here has a ranch in the pines east of Red Bluff, and he thinks there are more bear than deer on his place. They're a nuisance.

    2. Well, it was pitch dark and he was black as coal, so all I could say for sure is that he was BIG. Just guessing, at least 5 if not 6 hundred pounds. All I know for sure is that his paw pads looked to be as big as manhole covers as he ran away from my headlights. But I'm sure my imagination might have had something to do with that.

      I've only seen one other bear that big before. He was jet black too. He was at Ford's Point above Foresthill. That year I documented seven different bears in a fourteen mile stretch of road. So yeah, they're everywhere, including one that comes by the house occasionally.

    3. In past years did some good trout fishing on the Middle Fork of the American down behind Foresthill, but perhaps fortunately never saw a bear.

    4. If your good fishing holes were downstream from below town, they're still okay. If they were upstream from the Circle Bridge they got fried in the Mosquito Fire.

      That fire is the only one I know of that all four of the 10 Tanker DC-10s were flying on at the same time in an effort to save the town of Foresthill. But save it they did.

      I just realized that fire started on the same day that Sacamento set its all-time high temperature record of 116°.

  3. No arms on the leather "chair." Or is that a hybrid bed?

  4. The stove is sitting too high. Want the heat down at the floor. Dumb

    1. The stove is most likely sitting on that big, heat-storing rock for a good reason...That's not dumb.
