Wednesday, September 4, 2024



  1. Devils Tower...some say the largest tree trunk left on the planet.

  2. I've been there twice. The first time I could see nothing but the base, we kept on going. The second time it was great weather, we camped at a place that had a pool so the kids were happy. In the evening they showed "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" on a projection TV (this was in the early 90s), sitting there in my lawn chair watching the movie with the tower right there in the moonlight was good. We stayed a second night.

  3. For some odd reason I'm craving mashed taters...

  4. Didn't the film "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" there???

  5. I thought you were going to say: That Hair

  6. Was just there during the Sturgis rally. We took our 5 year old grandson with us to the see the Devils Tower. Its beautiful country as you get closer to the tower. As we get closer our grandson saw the tower from a few miles and he would yell "Oh my Gawd"!! We were laughing each time it would get bigger, and he would yell louder! Once there he was climbing any and ever rock he could get at the base. Its incredible to see, and they were two teams of climbers (man and woman) repelling and up and down the face! Again the country out there is beautiful!

  7. Most everyone travels to Devil's tower up from the I-90 from Moorcroft or Sundance, Wyoming up Hgwy 14 to 24 (junction at Carlile) and onward to the Park. A way more interesting, and scenic, route is on westward on SD Hgwy 34 from Whitewood, SD into Wyoming (where it changes to State Hgwy 24) through Hulett, WY and down from the north.

  8. antediluvian tree stump petrified...
