Monday, September 9, 2024



  1. Interesting. Black soap bar P90s. Must be 1956 or earlier.

  2. According to Duchossoir, during 1968 an engineering change led to the removal of the dot on the i. From 1972 the dot on the i reappeared on some instruments, but according to factory records it was not until late 1976 that it was officially reinstated with a slightly increased diameter.
    So there you go.

  3. I had a used late 60s LP Custom black beauty, ""fretless wonder," neck, in the early 70s. It had the silver humbuckers, of course, but looking at these always reminds me of selling my LP, Martin D-28, Fender Jazz Bass, and my amps, back in 1976. Needed the money for graduate school, but even more importantly, that stuff was just a huge distraction from studying.

  4. I had a "72 Blackie just like that.......................

  5. I was going to say that Gibsons were made in Pennsylvania ... but then I see that the PA factory produces Martin guitars.

    Gibson has three factories: Nashville, TN; Bozeman, MT and Memphis, TN.

  6. The Bozeman factory makes only acoustic guitars, and damned fine ones, too. I worked in the finish department for a year decades ago.

  7. Mother of pearl inlays, nice.
