Sunday, April 7, 2024


These  portraits were taken in 1894. The photo on the left is very rare because 19th century people never smiled for pictures. That Native American girl named O-o-dee of the Kiowa people in the Oklahoma Territory. Her friend on the right not smiling named Mabonia, also Kiowa. They wearing dresses decorated with elk teeth. Their names were embroidered in the textile next to them.


  1. Replies
    1. The smiling one looks to be a left-hander, judging by the belt buckle orientation. That smile really lights her up!

  2. Left: A very pretty, happy young lady.

    Right: A very miserable Joe Biden supporter, who believes she is a victim of White Supremacy and is waiting for her reparations deposit to be electronically deposited into her bank account so she can live happily ever after. Kind of like cat lady E. Jean Carroll.

  3. Note, no "duck lips" or gang signs!

  4. What a beautiful difference a smile makes.

  5. I have all these old family photos and yeah no one smiled. My dad who was born in 1924 carried on the tradition is his later years by not even looking at the camera.

  6. Please, PLEASE, stop referring to American Indians as "Native American".

    Call them by their tribe or nation, such as, "Kiowa".

    That "politically correct" epithet, like "African American", was coined by the Communists as a tactic deliberately intended to cause division and aggravate further resentment within our society.

    (White people born in Africa who become American citizens are also "African American", whereas most American-born Black people have never been to Africa.)

    "Native American", when applied exclusively to American Indians, is intended as a slur against White native-born American citizens, implying that we don't belong here in our own Country.

    Furthermore, both science and the American Indians' own oral traditions agree that the ancestors of the American Indians migrated here from somewhere else, just as everyone else's ancestors migrated here, some even farther back than recorded history.

    As a member of The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints (i.e., the "Mormon" church), I have learned that the Garden of Eden was actually located here in the United States, meaning the first people on this continent were White.

    At that time the Earth was all one continent, and when the Earth began dividing into separate continents, then the White inhabitants drifted away from America, naming new geographical features with the names they were familiar with before the creation of separate continents, i.e., "Tigris", "Euphrates", et cetera.

    Of course, much or most of this knowledge has been lost to history, due to all the wars, destructions, and exterminations, i.e., the total eradications of great libraries in Egypt, China, and even that of the Aztecs in America.

    1. -----thanx----I think.....

    2. Makes it easier when you simply assume that we are all carbon-based units...

  7. BTW, the reason most were not smiling was because of the LOOOOONG exposure times. most people found it easier to not smile.
