Saturday, April 27, 2024

One enormous brown trout



  1. the old lady makes a crabmeat and pumpernickel stuffing, lots of butter and salt-pepper, wrapped in foil, gently hot smoked so the wood smoke gets in, fantastic good eats.
    its a great recipe for oily fish like blues or mackerel, tends to counteract the strong oil flavor. she first used it one time we where surf fishing, we dug a flat hole everyone could set down in after sunset get out if the cooler wind, built a big old fire from collected drift wood, we had caught a big striper and a mess of blue fish, with taters and carrots squash in foil too, roasted in the coals, cold beers and wine, was a feast fit for kings.

  2. 50 years ago I used to pull a few large Browns out of the upper Provo river during the trout fly hatch using streamer flies. Great memories.

  3. Ceviche for tw-uhh ONE!

  4. Well done that man!

    Michael in Nelson
