Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Retro Cool



  1. Similar ones were on the back counter of thousands of soda shops and candy stores when I was a lad in the 1950s. Life expectancy for most folks back then was about 15 years shorter than today, unless of course you're a Fentanyl addict, but much more rewarding

  2. The original blender. My mother had one with light green enamel on the stand, purchased in the 50's. My sister has it now and it still works just fine.

  3. Do any of them sill have a metal impeller? All the ones I have seen are plastic and I would think easy to break becoming useless or a cash crop for replacements?

  4. Originally made in Racine Wi, the high speed fhp motor capital of the world in the 20s and 30s.

  5. We have the light green one with the cloth cord that's at least 70 years old. My FIL bought it back then.
