Thursday, November 10, 2022

Set this out when company comes and let them feast



  1. In Germany this had hazelnuts and was delish!!! This stuff with honey and almond whatever sucks hind tit!
    -Anonymous from Texas

  2. The hell with company!
    Put 'em in the freezer and munch a few pieces while sippin' some good bourbon!

  3. friend had a resturaunt of note in NYC theater district. critic pans a show, but mentions he had the best hot cocoa ever in the resturaunt. people read this and flock to the joint for it, and want to know what kind it is. he tells them outright it's hersheys in the little envelopes, no one woud believe him so he finally bought a small burlap sack of toblerone and put it on the shelf next to the espresso machine.

  4. Seen em, never ate em. Any good?
    Doesn't matter, I got out of the anything chocolate game about 6 weeks ago.
    That's right. No more chocolate here. 10 years ago I stopped consuming soft drinks, don't regret it. 6 months ago I stopped adding salt to anything I ate. I'm trying to simplify from the top down. Less shit to buy, less shit to pay for.

    1. little bit less in life to enjoy. part of their master plan? i dunno.

  5. Many moons ago as a paratrooper in Italy, I would take one of these with me on a 2 week field exercise to have when it was all over. Took only one.
