Wednesday, November 2, 2022

“Scandinavian helmet (and its replica) from Valsgarde, 7th century AD.”



  1. No peripheral vision means you're dead.

  2. Not really. For starters, you do have some peripheral vision - the aventail can be seen through. But most importantly these helmets were designed for use in close order shield walls, where the need to protect from random spear thrusts and arrows was more important than unimpeded peripheral vision.

  3. The Valsgarde 6 helmet, which is what is pictured here, is rather interesting in that it seems rather cobbled together when one examines it closely - the decorative foils covering the surface hide a multitude of constructural sins... The Valsgarde 8 helmet is even worse in this regard. But they were nevertheless sturdy and functional.

  4. They couldn't be bothered to hose off the authentic dirt? Treating it like an old coin seems kind of stupid.

    1. Dirt? No, rust actually. And they don't remove that for fear of damaging the relic any further - they just stabilize it to prevent further loss.
