Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Grow tomatoes the size of Volkswagens! And they glow in the dark!



  1. Not to be a bummer, but Oak Ridge laboratories experimented with radiating seeds in order to extend shelf-life, and it worked.

    1. It'd be interesting to know their criterion. Researchers have successfully germinated 4000 year old wheat berries found in Egyptian pyramids. Of course they probably weren't on a shelf.

  2. "atomic flowers" your supermarket near the Golden Book Encyclopedia display.

  3. I remember that episode of Gilligan's Island (TV sit com for the too young to know about) that had a crate of radiated vegetable seeds wash up on shore.

    1. The thought of there being people out there who don't know what "Gilligan's Island" is hard to imagine. But as I get older my view of the rest of the world does get a little funny...

    2. GMTA. I went searching for a screen cap and found this:

  4. One Ton Tomato, go eat a One Ton Tomato

    My gal's a one ton tomato.
    Just watch my legs bow,
    She is a one ton tomato.

    My "little woman" is quite large,
    That's why she is the one in charge.
    She wears the pants all of the time
    'Cause she cannot squeeze into mine.
    She is the woman of my dream
    But she can make our poor scale scream.

    One Ton Tomato, go eat a One Ton Tomato


    1. I assume that’s to the tune of “Guantanamera?”

  5. ♫ ♫
    Gonna tell you a story, that you won't believe
    But I fell in love last Friday evening
    With a girl I saw on a bar room TV screen
    Well I was just getting ready to get my hat
    When she caught my eye, and I put it back
    And I ordered myself couple of more shots and beers

    She were 5 foot 6, two-fifteen
    A bleach blonde bomber with a streak of mean
    She knew how to knuckle and she knew how to scuffle and fight
    And the roller derby program said
    That she was built like a 'fridgerator with a head
    Her fans called her Tuffy, but all her buddies called her Spike

    You know that I fell in love with a roller derby queen
    Around and round, a round and round
    The meanest hunk of woman that anybody ever seen
    Down in the arena
    ♫ ♫

  6. I happen to live down the road from oak ridge. Interesting little town. Theres lots of "atomic" stuff around the area. Businesses sport a reference, the diners have an "atomic" dish of one flavor, couple old barns have signs painted on the side..
    Currently quite a bit of work going on there. The lab itself is still humming (where they make enriched plutonium, do research, and other secret stuff!), there is a private company doing low-level recycling (medical nuclear waste, etc.,) get to see these weird containers chained on the back of flatbed tractor trailers come from all over....and a ton of locals are employed building the new uranium processing facility. Know lots of good people making a decent buck on gov't construction contracts building the thing. If I was a youngin graduating college with 'nuclear' in my degree title, I'd be moving to EastTN.
