Sunday, October 9, 2022

China demolishing unfinished high-rise apartments. The amount of wealth destruction here, both in the building and then the destroying, is shocking.


  1. I'm surprised that footage got out.

  2. Tofu Dreg. Add in their housing market is collapsing and the CCP probably decided to punish this specific developer by taking his units off the market...permanently.

    1. That developer and the contractor were likely handcuffed in one of those buildings.

  3. Communists and socialists have central planning and they must keep folks working in all sectors. China doesn't have the ability to make small adjustments to keep industry busy and folks living peaceful lives, so destruction like this happens.

  4. China has alot of ghost cities that are gonna be needing torn down.

  5. In the 1970s Milton Friedman toured China, and was shown a massive canal project, being excavated by peasants with shovels. He pointed out to his host, Chou en Lai, that steam shovels and bulldozers would be vastly more efficient. Chou countered that it was a public employment project, to create jobs. Friedman said, in that case, you should issue them spoons.

  6. Perhaps the buildings were faulty and needed to be taken down, building codes are likely very different there could one earthquake could take them down?

    1. poor planning. they started them all at the same time. they sat unfinished so long that the insides deteriorated from being too outside. they should have built them one at a time, finish one before you start another

  7. If so, whoever was in charge of those projects would have new pronouns.
    Was and Were. And somebody's family would be getting a bill for the bullet.

  8. Not a problem when you are in charge of the banks and money supply. Just ask biden for cheap oil while you rape the land for lithium.

  9. This is shocking. Chinese are not allowed the have savings, so they invest in these buildings, which are rarely finished or used. This hurt a bunch of ordinary people.

  10. Had to be 10 years ago read a article about a city in China constructions like this with no one living in them. Just like said it was to keep workers going and had no use.
    Wonder if this is the same place.

  11. Sending country folk back to the country so they can produce more food to feed the masses

  12. Western governments destroy more private property than this every day

  13. As a follow-up: the world's largest cruise ship (only 80% finished) 9,000-passenger, 1,122-foot ship, the Global Dream II is about to be cut apart for scrap.
    Yes, only 80% finished. It's heading to scrap.

  14. The Chinese invest in Real Estate, not the stock market.
