Saturday, October 29, 2022

The beaver will not be losing the apple



  1. Went up to my trout camp last weekend, and found that the beavers had built a bank lodge right at the bottom of my hill, dang it all. A number of years ago, they took down the majority of my poplars, so I got some locals to trap them out. No money in it anymore, nobody is interested in their skins. I'm gonna have to get after that thing soon, or I'll lose the few remaining poplars I have, I'd bet.

  2. I saw a beaver walking on the road in Minnesota right after they took out his dam, it was a pretty big animal!

  3. That beaver has a firm grasp of the carrot and cucumber. Wink. Wink.

  4. Smells like seven layers, that beaver eats Taco Bell!
