Sunday, October 9, 2022

AbramsX Technology Demonstrator Tank. With the events in Ukraine, the future of the tank is at issue. Unmanned turret is interesting.


  1. The usefulness of tanks hasn't changed. The threat environment is what changed. Tanks could never function well without close infantry support. Man portable antitank missiles make that fact even more relevant. The Russians
    didn't support their tanks properly. Either they forgot that was necessary or they
    simply lack the capability.

  2. One step closer to the dinocrome brigade!

  3. Here's a take on why the tank is not obsolete:

  4. An electric powered, autonomous model will be coming to your Abrams dealer soon, but since China is lagging on the Lithium battery production it may take a little longer than originally anticipated.

  5. are they still using depleted uranium rods in the turret ?

    1. The Sabot round had a depleted uranium core/dart. I was not in Armor so not sure of correct terminology.

  6. Will these be left in Ukraine like the tanks in Afghanistan?

    1. The M1's you see running around with savages TCing them are either in Iraq - left behind by the Obamas or they're Saudi and they've been wasted in Yemen. Fucking makes me sick.

      I think the USMC sent a tank company or a company (+) to Helmand but I don't think they left them there but then again, they could be buried under the mountains of other stuff we left behind. I think Canada and Denmark sent tanks - probably Leopards - but I don't know how many or what the final disposition was for either the Canadians or Danes.

  7. 20th century technology for 19th century wars

  8. I don't have much faith in the concept of a tank that cannot have a 360° view of the battlefield and the terrain you're trying to maneuver on when you need it. There are lots of great and sophisticated sensors out there but crap breaks and Amazon doesn't deliver parts to mine sown battlefields, though I do hear that they will venture into Baltimore if they've got infantry and aviation supporting.

    The other part of the crewless turret novelty is the mistaken idea that an auto-loader will make it possible to have a three man crew. BS. Try running sustained offensive operations with a three man crew and see how long you last. Someone has to be awake at all times, it's one man less to pull maintenance, guard duty, radio watch, or dismount to have a look around a corner or over a berm.

    I think there are a few alternative ways to reconfigure or simply upgrade armored fighting vehicles to make them more survivable without losing effectiveness but transporting them is a huge limiting factor and to bring this full circle, I believe it was the primary factor in the decision to leave them to rot in Iraq

  9. Replies
    1. And the Ukraine war has to be the stupidest war ever. Thanks jobama.

  10. just more crap that will fail in more unique ways for some poor dumb bastard to fix in the rain using only a hammer and flat screwdriver while laying in the mud.
