Saturday, October 8, 2022

Abandoned Japanese miniature submarine in the Aleutian islands, Alaska 1942 and 2021



  1. Though I served on subs, I tend to think of those Japanese two man subs as the original kamikazes. Wouldn't get me on one of them.

  2. That's cool. Schools aren't teaching much about WWII except America is an imperialist colonizer. Stuff like this should be preserved and the history taught now more than ever.

    1. Oh, you know why they don't. It might hurt the feelings of the Japanese Americans.

    2. I don't think so - look into the 442nd Infantry Regiment.

      Those men were fighters - and winners - they fought for their country. Their stories and others like it should taught front and center in our schools but the left won't have it because they despise the values these soldiers and others like them fought and died for during WWII. Same said for the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment - there's no mystery why the left is tearing down Civil War statues - they want nothing left to remind us of who we are and where we come from.

  3. Imagine the hunley

  4. Love the "then and now" idea of photography. The main idea for it is to have the modern photo taken in as close to the same spot as the older photo was taken. Two awesome shots you have here.

  5. I had forgotten about the Hunly! I don't suppose they teach much about the civil war either. History was my favorite class in high school.

  6. Were there any abandoned Nips found with the sub?
