Thursday, June 3, 2021

US Navy WAVES aim their Smith & Wesson revolvers for the camera.



  1. Replies
    1. That "finger on the trigger" was never a big deal until they started building plastic guns with the safety in the trigger.
      Look at old pictures of soldiers, cowboys etc. and in just about all of them the guy will have his finger in the trigger guard.

    2. Maybe finger on trigger, but not hammer back. Actually this is safe, as you have ever pulled the trigger on old M&P revolver you really got to "pull the trigger".

  2. It's ok, those are revolvers they shoot double action. Not like those auto pistols that will blow your nuts clean off.

  3. Good looking leather that they are wearing.

  4. No snowflakes there. A reminder of how far American society has fallen in the last 70 years.

  5. Dry fire practice really helps with double action proficiency.

  6. All five are officers. WAVES stood for Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service. Their Coast Guard counterpart SPARs stood for the Coast Guard motto: Semper Paratus, Always Ready.

    1. Yep five Ensigns! Only the officers got that style of WAVE cover. The enlisted ones had the " pudding bowl hat ".

  7. Interesting! Off-eye-closed sighting technique!? I do that too 'cuz of naturally mismatched focal lengths between my two eyes, but have of course noticed that it's strongly discouraged in current self-defense training. Whatever works... Cute bunch of gals! As always, thanks for posting your treasures! <3

  8. Join the Navy and ride the WAVES.

    1. yes indeed!
      Striking bunch there. No short, fat, ugly broads.

    2. I'll take the one on the left end there. She seems to be the only one enjoying this. On another note, the formation the women are taking looks pretty darn intimidating.

  9. The one standing in the center is cross-eye dominant, or left-handed but shooting with her right hand for the photo. She is aiming with her left eye.

    1. Yep. I found shooting weak hand (left) I switched to Left eye, automatically, and when went back to strong hand, stayed left eyed. Fascinating. Born left handed. Shot right handed. But with a hand gun, whatever. Long arm shooting left handed, forget that shit. unless I have to.
