Tuesday, June 1, 2021

D'Alviano looks like he would tolerate no foolishness.


Portrait Of A Condottiere
Giovanni Bellini


  1. Not to be picky, but Bellini is the artist, not the subject.

  2. For fifteen years I used this painting in my 8th grade US History class to demonstrate how a serious man looks. Compare this "Condottiere" to a photo of any male in Hollywood, the media, politics or sports.

  3. The caption should read, "Giovanni Bellini, he's not amused by your bullshit."

  4. I did a search for "Condottiere" and went to Wikipedia. I found this portrait which was Bartolomeo d"Alviano one of the Condottiere. He looks like on tough hombre and I'm sure a man not to be trifled with. Thanks for the posts, always interesting.

  5. Yep SOF of their time.

    Condottieri were Italian captains contracted to command mercenary companies during the Middle Ages and multinational armies during the early modern period. They notably served European monarchs and Popes during the Italian Wars of the Renaissance and the European Wars of Religion.Wikipedia
