Monday, June 21, 2021

An interesting chart. I can't vouch for its accuracy, or whether any of these countries really has more or less of the official figure.



  1. I would say....wishful-thinking on the USA tonnage!

    1. The US has already been caught out shipping plated tungsten bars as the real thing. Probably no gold left at all

  2. The numbers sound enormous but it's really not very much gold at all. It's less than an ounce per Citizen in the U.S. Many people possess that much in jewelry or in coin form in the bottom of their sock drawer.

    Nixon closing the gold window is lamented by many as a terrible thing, but he had no choice in the matter. France and other European nations started taking the U.S. up on its offer to exchange paper for gold. The gold reserve would have been depleted to nothing very quickly. de Gaulle recognized the money printing shenanigans and took action. Good on him.

    The closing of the gold window also enabled passage of a law in 1974 allowing U.S. citizens to possess gold in bullion form once again. Stock up.

  3. Just remember, no one can do an audit on Ft Knox. So we have to take the Governments word for it. What can go wrong with that.

    1. They probably keep all of the gold with the Social Security fund.
      I'd be amazed if the dirty thieves running this country have left enough gold in Ft. Knox to make a wedding ring.

  4. Came across this recently from different blog post about how much gold the Fed bailed out countries with after the GFC. No I am not a Bernie acolyte but he would be dumb enough to report this even though I never came across a story on this because they buried it.
